Anatomy Scan
At this scan baby is big enough for us to fully assess your baby’s anatomy plus if you wish we can usually tell you whether you are having a girl or a boy. This involves an assessment of the uterus, placenta, ovaries and your baby's anatomy.
Why have one
The anatomy scan involves an assessment of the uterus, placenta and ovaries and a full assessment of your baby’s anatomy. This includes the brain, face, heart, abdomen, spine, arms and legs. Sometimes we cannot get all the information during one appointment due to baby’s position. We may need to reschedule to another day to complete the scan.
When they should be done
The optimal time for this scan is at 20 weeks. We can scan outside these times as we realise that an early assessment or later assessment may be required.
How long does it take?
30 min
A live recording of the scan is available on a USB stick for an additional $30.00
Preparing for the scan
No preparation is required. You must bring your referral with you. We cannot scan you without the referral from your doctor or midwife.
What to expect
The sonographer will discuss the results with you. These results will be with your referrer in 1 day.
If there are any concerns with your pregnancy the sonographer will phone your referrer and organise the report to be faxed urgently.
Why have one
The anatomy scan involves an assessment of the uterus, placenta and ovaries and a full assessment of your baby’s anatomy. This includes the brain, face, heart, abdomen, spine, arms and legs. Sometimes we cannot get all the information during one appointment due to baby’s position. We may need to reschedule to another day to complete the scan.
When they should be done
The optimal time for this scan is at 20 weeks. We can scan outside these times as we realise that an early assessment or later assessment may be required.
How long does it take?
30 min
A live recording of the scan is available on a USB stick for an additional $30.00
Preparing for the scan
No preparation is required. You must bring your referral with you. We cannot scan you without the referral from your doctor or midwife.
What to expect
The sonographer will discuss the results with you. These results will be with your referrer in 1 day.
If there are any concerns with your pregnancy the sonographer will phone your referrer and organise the report to be faxed urgently.